Monday, October 29, 2007


Reading blackbird's latest post inspired me to go over and have a look at Toast.

Here are a couple of things that I liked:

peg bag
First, there was this peg bag. Don't ask how I know what the term "peg bag" means. I like it. However, I don't have a clothesline here yet, so, it would be unpractical. And even if I did have a clothesline, I have no idea where my clothespins are.

cozy pjs
I like these pajama pants, too. They look cozy. I am all about cozy these days, what with the chill in the air. They look better (or at least cozier) on the website. This is what I would love to do while wearing these pants:
pjs while ironing
Mmm. I love ironing while being cozy at home on a cold day. But only table linens, napkins especially. Maybe curtains. Don't ask me to iron your shirt with all the pleats.

1 comment:

blackbird said...

so, that would be just you and I enjoying ironing...not too many people like it!